Legal Legacy Fund
The Legal Legacy Fund is ABE’s unrestricted giving fund. The charitable grants made from this fund are used to support legal research, educational and public service projects in accordance with the grant-making polices developed by the Board of ABE. Funds from the Legal Legacy Fund support annual grants to the American Bar Foundation and the the ABA Fund for Justice and Education. They also provide grant funds for ABE’s Opportunity Grants program which supports community-based, innovative projects focused on the delivery of legal service to underserved populations.
Donors may contribute directly to the Legal Legacy Fund and may also recommend grants to the Legal Legacy Fund from their ABE Charitable Gift Account (CGF) . There is no minimum amount required for direct contributions to the Legal Legacy Fund.
To contribute directly to the Legal Legacy Fund, please complete the Legal Legacy Fund Contribution Form and mail it to ABE along with the donation. Once your donation has been received, the American Bar Endowment will mail you an acknowledgement receipt. Direct contributions to the Legal Legacy Fund are eligible for a charitable tax deduction.
Donations of dividends to ABE are tax deductible to such members to the fullest extent permitted by law as contributions under Section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.
If you have a Charitable Gift Account and would like to recommend a grant be made to the ABE Legal Legacy Fund, please login to your CGF account or download a CGF Grant Recommendation Form.
For more information, contact the ABE at 800-621-8981, extension 6408.
Thank you for your support of the American Bar Endowment.
For information regarding the ABE Charitable Gift Fund, contact Joanne Martin at
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"The ABE’s grant to the ABF not only allows us to conduct our innovative and influential research, it is also the catalyst for nearly all the work of the ABF."